Thursday, March 9, 2023

Leptospirosis in dogs


Leptospirosis, often called lepto, is caused by bacteria, not viruses. Dogs can become infected when they come into contact with infected urine or contaminated water. So, if a dog likes to swim or drink standing water or sewage, it may be at risk, especially in areas where rats are common.

Many different strains of leptospirosis can affect humans (called Weil's disease). It can be fatal in dogs and humans.


Clinical signs often appear from 4 to 12 days after exposure to the bacteria. The animal may suffer from fever, body aches, diarrhea, loss of appetite, jaundice, and lethargy.

Leptospirosis primarily affects the kidneys and liver, and in severe cases leads to kidney and liver failure.


Treatment usually includes antibiotics, fluid replacement, control of vomiting, and other liver support treatments. a proportion of the affected dogs recover but carry the bacteria in their urine for months, posing a risk of infection to other animals and humans.


There are many types of leptospirosis comprehensive canine vaccine available includes four strains and is known as the "L4 vaccine".

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